What happens when my payment fails?

When a recurring payment fails, we automatically retry the payment 3 more times every 3 days, for a total of 4 attempts including the first failure.

During this payment retry window of 10 days, your services will not be affected.

If you need to force a retry outside of the automated retries, you can also update your card on file (even if it's the same card) and we'll attempt to use the entered payment method to charge for all outstanding invoices.

After this 10-day window, if we're still unable to charge your card on file successfully, we will suspend all clusters in your account for a 5-day period. During this window, all requests to your Typesense Cluster will return an HTTP 403 response with an error message, but your data will stay intact.

During this 5-day grace period, we do not do any automated retries. So if you've fixed your payment method on your side, you need to go to your account page, click on Update Payment Method and re-enter your payment to force a charge on pending invoices. Alternatively, you can also purchase prepaid credits from your account page, after which we'll also attempt to use those credits to pay outstanding invoices. Once your payment goes through, services will be restored within 30 minutes automatically, without any additional effort.

But if after this 15-day window, we're still unable to process your card successfully, then our billing system will terminate all clusters in your account, to prevent further accrual of charges. Note that terminating a cluster permanently deletes all data in the cluster. So after this point, you would have to provision new clusters and reindex your data in them to restore services.

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